Friday, September 28, 2007


My trip flying business class on Royal Jordanian airlines was smooth, comfortable and luxurious. My seat was a cross between a massage and a bed. There was an adjustment for every centimeter of flesh. There was continuous food, all delicious, with extraordinary spices and textures. I thought the appetizer was the entire meal! The space for my seat that was the equivalent of a small studio apartment in the Village! The service was wonderful. I slept the entire trip blissfully, with the stewardness waking me for intermittent feedings. I noticed a distinguished gentleman enter the plane just before take-off, with bodyguards, and a continual stream of visitors to his seat, and attention from the crew. I thought he must be someone important. When we landed, he graciously offered to help me take down my heavy take-on luggage overhead, and offered to carry it off the plane for me. I thanked him, but told him it had rollers and I could manage it. I was met immediately by Saleh from NYIT, who looks like a young prince from the Arabian nights, in an impeccable striped navy business suit. He knew everyone at the airport, wisked me through customs, past the visa bureaucrats, and to the luggage, which all arrived in an amazingly short time. I spotted the VIP who had helped me, and asked Saleh who he was. Saleh took one look and said - ah - that is xxxxxxx, Minster of Tourism and head of Royal Jordanian Airlines!

I took that as a very good omen for my trip . . . and I was right! I have landed in a fairy tale, in a kingdom where my every wish is granted, everyone is friendly, where I feel like a celebrity, the weather is perfect, the food amazing, and the ambiance of Amman an aesthetic feast for the eyes.

How can this part of the world be on the edge of such violence and conflict? I am struck by the kindness, courtesy and hospitality of all whom I meet.

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